
The week leading up to the move I had planned and theorised everything. I had tried to second guess every eventuality. I had kept the boys away from all the drama of the solicitors, estate agents, removal companies, buyers and sellers. It was all so stressful. I had plates spinning in every direction. Some precariously... Continue Reading →

An Epilogue?

It is has been a pretty full on couple of weeks. The events of Mate Crime followed by The Next Day had left us all reeling. Tom and James went to Scouts the following day. It was during Scouts Tom's phone started ringing. He answered a couple, then left the phone with one of the scout leaders. The scout... Continue Reading →

Mate Crime

I think I had heard of Mate Crime, but not until this week did I really know what it is - thanks to my mate Befuddled Mum for explaining it to me. Mate Crime is where vulnerable people are used, abused, and / or exploited. Trafford Clinical Commissioning Group say: "Many vulnerable adults have few friends, and... Continue Reading →

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